Hello Molly

Buffalo, NY

Hello Molly is a band of 5 featuring Molly Saper on vocals; Larry Osolowski on drums and vocals; Dan Robillard on guitar/synthesizer; Jon Sundquist on bass and Bob Ruzanowski on guitar. We favor the 1970’s, ’80’s and 90’s with covers of songs by the Cranberries, Janis Joplin, to Alanis Morisette, Cyndi Lauper and more. (Many female-led songs. Some originals, too!) We also have a three piece band, Hello Molly Acoustic. Acoustic versions of some of the same songs, but some work better as acoustics!

Hello Molly is...

Molly Ann Hayden Saper - Vocals, Bob Ruzanowski - Guitar, Dan Robillard - Guitar/Synthesizer, Jon Sundquist - Bass, Larry Osolkowski - Drums/Vocals