The Struggle is Real (Episode #5 – The Left Hand of Darkness)

Ryan and Dennis sit down with Buffalo prog rocker Charles Quagliana of the Left Hand of Darkness. He tells us about the exotic instruments he uses to achieve his unique sound (The “Chapman Stick” and the “Krappy Touchstyle” guitar); his mobile-rock invention “The Helmüt” (if you guessed that it was speakers mounted to a helmet, you’re mostly right); searching for the rhythm with late collaborator and drummer Ted Reinhardt; the gross stuff he’s come across fixing electronics; and his ongoing stint as the adorably grumpy sound guy at Mr. Goodbar.

Other episode highlights include a discussion of Ryan’s anatomy, and a special holiday message from Ringo Starr.

4:16 – “Latin Jazz” by The Left Hand of Darkness. Featuring Ted Reinhardt on drums; Charles Quagliana on Krappy Touchstyle guitar.

22:19 – “Dancing Ants” by The Left Hand of Darkness. Featuring Ted Reinhardt on drums; Charles Quagliana on Krappy Touchstyle guitar.

45:49 – “Echo Dance” by Jeff Janikowski on drums; Charles Quagliana on Krappy Touchstyle guitar; Bill Stanton on guitar; John Aron Troy on saxophone.