My Rap Name is Alex

Buffalo, NY
Hip-Hop and Rap

Hi. My Rap Name is Alex. I’m a storyteller. I specialize in stories that are true (even when I write fiction). The very real, very urgent truth as I see it is that people need to wake up –fast– and begin to realize, and behave like they realize, that the interconnected web of life around us matters. In fact it is what matters most.

I consider myself EXTREMELY fortunate to be in the band called BloodThirsty Vegans. It has given my storytelling a power that it could never have accomplished on its own. The sound that comes out of this band never fails to make me want to dance, never fails to make me smile, and just keeps on inspiring better and better stories. Being in the BloodThirsty Vegans fills me with hope that our stories are going to change the world for the better.

My Rap Name is Alex is...

Alex Mead