The List: Index
- Abandoned Trains
- Adam Bronstein & ABtrio
- Addisyn Logan
- Adelaide
- Aircraft
- AJ “AppleJack” Tetzlaff
- akloh.
- Alexander Butler
- Alex McArthur
- Alex Northrup & the Darlingtones
- Alison Pipitone
- Allie Burns
- Alpha Hopper
- Alterist
- Amanda Ashley
- Amanda Stone
- Amateur Hockey Club
- Amish Noise
- Among The Wicked
- Analog Kids
- Anchor
- Ancient Spaceship
- Andrew Biggie
- Andy Olson
- Angie Lucie
- Ani DiFranco
- Anonymous Willpower
- Anthropic
- Anybody Else
- An Easy Death
- Arrangements
- asalone
- Astrabula
- Astronot Junkie
- As We See It
- Atlas Band
- Audi3k
- Aug, Drew + Walt
- Autoverse
- Auxcab
- Axton Landing
- Aye Karou
- A House Safe For Tigers
- A River Like Sunday
- A.C. Anton
- A.I. the Anomaly
- Back in Town
- Bad Kitty
- Banjo Juice Jazz Band
- Barnstorm
- BastardBastardBastard
- BC Psychos
- Beach Tower
- Bearhunter
- Bear the Bronze
- Before Manhattan
- Behind the Walls
- Behrcat
- Beneath the Wayside
- Benjamin Sheridan
- Besta Quadrada
- Bighorn Sheep
- Big Logic & The Truth Serum
- Big Mike & The Motivators
- birddog
- Birkby
- Bitter Nasties
- Blaised and Confused
- Bloodthirsty Vegans
- Bobby Angel
- Bobby & The Pedestrians
- Border Town
- Boy Jr
- BP & the Oil Spills
- Branded Rochester
- Breakfast for Dinner
- Brian Lindsay Band
- Brittle Minds
- Broken Locker
- Brookhaven
- Bruce Wojick
- Bryan Dubay
- Bryan Price
- Buckle UP
- Bug Day
- B-Squared Acoustic
- C4W2
- Cami Clune
- Cammy Enaharo
- Canetis
- Captain Tom & The Hooligans
- Captivated C
- Cardboard Homestead
- Carina & The Six String Preacher
- Carpool
- Casablanca the Gawd
- Cashis Green
- Catatac
- Catspurr
- Cavalcade
- Cemetery Echo
- Chae Hawk
- Chatterbox
- Chaz Hearne & The Dazzlers
- Cheap Peach
- Checks and Exes
- Ché Noir
- Chloroform
- Christina Stock
- Chris Beard
- Chuckie Campbell
- City Under Siege
- CJ Ambrosia
- Clown Teeth
- Coalition
- Cobratits
- Cobraz
- Coffin Hook
- Colorado Tombs
- Coma Ghost
- Concrete Island
- Conomor
- Consensus Lake
- Continental Drifft
- Contrarian
- Cooler
- Cory Klawon
- County Kings
- Coupe De’ Villes
- Creating a Sinner
- Crikwater
- Crown Conscious
- Crux ov Torment
- Cult Fiction
- Curtis Lovell
- Cut Me Up Genny
- Daggermind
- DaisyChain
- Damages
- Dancing Queen City
- Danielle Ponder & The Tomorrow People
- Daniel King Band
- Danimal Cannon
- Dante DiGiulio
- Darwin
- Davey O.
- Dave Brown
- Dave McGrath
- Dave Stewy
- Dave Turner
- David Jonathan & The Inner City Bedlam
- David Michael Miller
- Daze Ago
- Deadwolf
- Dead Alliance Buffalo
- Dead Letter Office
- Dead Orchids
- Deathtrip Idols
- Deborah Magone
- Dee Adams
- Dee’s Grand Isle Opry
- Dellwood and the Nightshades
- Deluxxe
- Del Paxton
- Demyia
- Detritvs
- Diceros
- Different Planets
- Digital Afterlife
- Dishonored
- Disintegration
- Disorderly House
- DoDriver
- Dom Brown
- DonnySav
- Dotsun Moon
- Do It With Malice
- Dredneks
- Dr. Moxy
- D. Hannon & Friends
- Garden Closet
- Gates of Paradox
- Gathering Ground
- Gatto Black
- Genecist
- Geno McManus
- Gentlemen of Age – GOA
- Ghetto Defendants
- Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad
- Gimme Gimme
- Glow Stone
- Godslove
- Goodbye Metro
- Good Dude
- Good Monster
- Goon Squad
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Grace Greenan
- Grace Stumberg
- Grand Canyon Rescue Episode
- Gravelhead
- Green Jelly
- Green Schwinn
- Greg Hill
- Greg Zeis
- Grosh
- Growl Bear
- Grub
- GumShoe
- Gun Robo
- Gutted Alive
- Habits Have Teeth
- Hair Nation
- Handsome Jack
- Hardon
- Harmonica Lewinski
- Healer
- Hearts Don’t Lie
- Heart for Sale
- Heart of the Dog
- Hello City – Barenaked Ladies Tribute
- Hello London
- Hello Molly
- Hell Ever After
- Henry’s Summer Kitchen
- Hip Monarch
- Historic Jon Fohl Band
- HitGRL
- Hold My Headache
- Hollowell
- Hooked on Casiophonics
- Humble Braggers
- Hundred Plus Club
- Hussalonia
- Jaali Cypher
- Jacob King
- Jade Giambrone
- James Drive
- James Robert Kibby
- Jamie Ervay
- Jamie Holka
- Jamison Hendricks
- Jaydense
- Jaynie Crash and the Tall Men
- Jay Aquarious
- jazzie jay
- Jazz Goons
- Jenuine Cello
- Jeremy Keyes Band
- Jerry Big’s World Famous Band
- Jesse & The Spirit
- Jillian Eliza
- Jimyn the Singing Mime
- Johnny Hart and the Mess
- Johnny Nobody
- Johnny Revolting
- Johnny & The Man Kids
- John Bacon
- John Daniels Band
- Jordan and The Rivers
- Jordan Cohan
- Judah
- Juggernaut
- JUICE <3
- Jungle Steve
- Jupiter Radio Theater
- Jupiter Trolley
- Justin Von Strasburg
- J-Batters
- Labrina
- Lacerate
- Landfill Hearts
- Last Night Songs
- La Marimba
- Leafy Trees
- Lefty and Carl
- Leroy Townes
- Letters from New York
- Letter to Elise
- Lifemusik mit Andre by Andre Welks-Fabretti
- Like A Panther
- Lil Bea$t
- Liminal Space Ensemble
- Lindsay Niccs
- Lithium
- Little Cake
- Little Liar
- Little Mountain Band
- Liv LifeOnce
- Loaded and Gorgeous
- Local Eclectic
- Lonestar Sailing
- Lord Loss
- Lost Like Lions
- Loveboxx
- Lower Expectations
- L-Biz
- M80’s
- maeganthesinger
- mainTheme
- Makeout Tactics
- Malarchuk
- Managerial
- March Lions
- Marina Laurendi
- Marja’e
- Mark Lee
- Mark the Aquarius
- Marquee Grand
- Mason Tyler Band
- Massive Blowout
- Matt Smith’s Nervous System
- Maufrey
- Max Muscato
- Mayday
- McCarthyizm
- McThuggin
- Meat Raffle
- Melia
- MeMyself&I
- Men Behaving Badly Acoustic Duo
- Michael Delano
- Michael Farrow
- Middlemen
- Midlife Crisis
- Midnight Recovery
- Midnight Smoke
- Miggie Jean
- Mike Criscione
- Mike Lucey
- Mike Zogaria
- Miles Watts and the Brothers from Other Mothers
- Milkweed
- Miller and The Other Sinners
- Mini Marching Machine
- Missing Pieces
- Mister Thank You
- Mochester
- Molly Conrad
- MoodPill
- Moody
- Morgue Terror
- Moxy Cabaret
- Mr.Fink
- Mr. Monkey
- Murder!
- My Rap Name is Alex
- M Broz 2099
- M. T. Lakes
- Pamela Swarts
- Parade Chic
- Part-Time Genius
- Passed Out
- Past Masters
- Patient Basement
- PA Line
- Perilous
- Personal Blend
- Perspectives
- Peter Latona
- Phased Out
- Philip Stephen
- Phriendly Phoes
- Pinch Kitten
- Pine Fever
- Plaster Sandals
- Pollock
- Porcelain Train
- Power Creep
- Prairie Pavement
- Prepare for the Mindscan
- Prestige Worldwide Band
- Pretty Bulli
- Pretty Good State University
- Pretty In Plaid
- Previous Love
- Product of the 90s
- Prophets and Thieves
- Psyche Chain
- Public Water Supply
- Pure Heel
- Putz
- Rabbit Jaw
- Racehearse
- Rachel Galati & IronLace
- Radical Operations
- Ratchet Snax
- Real Movement
- Rebel’s Posse
- Red Button Dilemma
- Red Huffy
- Reese Daniels
- Reggie Childs
- relentless moisture
- Reset To Vinyl
- Ribbit Exhibit
- Rick Zachary
- Righteous Villains
- River Dogs
- Robbery Club
- Robert “Freighttrain” Parker
- Rob Falgiano
- Rob Montone
- Rockabilly Steve and BR3
- Rodagues
- Roger Bryan and the Orphans
- Romcom Victims
- RootsCollider
- Roy G Biv
- Rusty Nickel
- Rx Project
- Ryan Kaminski
- Ryan Perdz
- sallyanndra
- Saranaide
- Sara Elizabeth
- Sardine
- Sasha Fleet and Generation Funk
- Sastruga
- Sauce The Artist
- Scafetta
- Scarlet Begonias
- Science Man
- Scott Celani Band
- sebastn
- Seditions
- Seismic Urge
- Sequins
- Seth Faergolzia’s Multibird
- Seth Fonda
- Seven Faces
- Shambles
- Shanzig
- Shellter
- Shoot Ya
- Short Moscato
- Sicko Ciccone
- Side Eye
- Sir Quillz
- Skamagotchi
- Skinbound
- Skoob.
- Skyway
- Sleep Debt Ceiling
- Sleep Well and Ponder
- Slipcast
- Slow Animals
- Slow Robot
- Slyboots
- Smitten For Trash
- Snakeland
- Snowbelt
- Solar Pyramid
- Songbirds: A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac
- Sonny Baker
- Sons Of Luther
- Son Henry
- Son Scotty
- Soular Plexus
- Soul Butchers
- Soviet Dolls
- Spaced Out
- Space Junk
- Speedy Parker Blues Band
- Speed Dial
- Spit Sisters
- Spud
- Squeejii
- Squeeze and Thanks
- Starjuice
- Star Theory
- Stavo
- Stoned and Free – A Jimi Hendrix Tribute
- Stoneflower
- Stress Dolls
- St. Vith
- Sunday Reign
- Sunless Winter
- Super American
- Survey Channel
- Swill
- S V T O K O 聡子
- T2ox
- Tacoma Meltdown
- Taken By Storm
- Teagan and the Tweeds
- Televisionaries
- Ten Cent Howl
- Terrie George and the Shadows
- That One Crocodile
- Thee Isolators
- Them Dudes
- Theory of Rock
- The Abruptors
- the Absentee Project
- The Alumni
- The Barksdales
- The BlackRock Beatles
- The Brass Machine
- The Brothers Blue
- The Buddhahood
- The Burkharts
- The Byways
- The Capitals
- The Chesterfield Kings
- The Clockers
- The Darts
- The Dave Mabelis Band
- The Dawgs
- The Dirty Pennies
- The Double Cross Band
- The Eaves
- The Electric Spiders
- The Finality Complex
- The Fox Sisters
- The Fredtown Stompers
- The Ginger Faye Bakers
- The Good
- The Good Neighbors
- The Grave Diggers
- The Great Mistake
- The Gripers
- The Hamiltones
- The Heroic Enthusiasts
- The Hi-Risers
- The Impurity
- The Irving Klaws
- The Jumpers
- The Kings Highwaymen
- The Last Reign
- The Legendary Hearts
- The Little Lives
- The Living Braindead
- The Long Cold Dark
- The Lowlies
- The Major 3rds
- The Matt Seidel Band
- The Midnight Feature
- The Midnight Sconce
- The Missing Worker
- The Moon Hunters
- The Moon Owls
- The Moving Image
- The Mud Puppies
- The Noble Kind
- The Painkillers
- The Paper Roses
- The Patrick Jaouen Band
- The Pete Griffith Group
- The Petty Project
- The Pineapples
- The Polyester Friends
- The Popshow Band
- The Probables
- The Queen Guillotined
- The Release
- The Royal Halls
- The Ryan Terry Family Band
- The Safety Meeting
- The Shop Cats
- The Silence Broken
- The Smiths etc – Tribute to The Smiths
- The Spin Wires
- The Steam Donkeys
- The Strictly Hip
- The Supreme General
- The Taverners
- The Travesties
- The Uptown Groove
- The Vandals Band
- The Water Dogs
- The Waves
- The Ways of Tom
- The Weather Might Say Otherwise
- The Yachtfathers
- Throwback Jack
- Thunder Station Dirtbag Coalition
- Tiffani Travesty
- Tiger Chung Lee
- Tim Britt Band
- Tina Williams
- Tines
- Tiny Music
- Tiny The Dream
- TK Lipps
- Todd Mertens
- Todd Michael Chapman
- Tokyo Monsters
- Tommy Z
- Tom Stahl And The Dangerfields
- ToneyBoi
- Tony Rocky Horror
- Tough Old Bird
- Tsavo Highway
- Tsunami Tsurpise
- tuesday nite
- Turning Point
- Turning Virtue
- Twenty Thousand Strongmen
- Twin Affairs
- Tyler Bagwell
- Tyler Westcott
- Tyranitar
- Tytan
- T.T.T.T.
- Wacko Fest
- Wandering Oak
- Wasted Reject
- Wasted Space
- Watch Your Step
- Weedie TheGod
- Welcome Distraction
- Welks Mice
- Well Worn Boot
- Westward Journey
- west ferry
- West of the Mark
- We Speak Canadian
- We Were Blank
- Whelp
- When Legions Fall
- Whitetails
- Wicked Tension
- Wild Once
- Winski
- Witty Tarbox
- WNY Dead
- Wolf of Waltzer
- Wolf Tickets
- Wooden Cities
- Working Class Stiffs
- Wren Cove
- Wren Cove
- Wyatt Coin
- Wylie Something